Education and Research Infrastructure
Apart from the computer and foreign language laboratories which are in the service of both students and academic staff, there are also 603 laboratories employed for specific training and research projects conducting by the faculties, schools, institutes and research and application centers. The distribution of laboratories by the academic units as follows:
Faculty of Dentistry (Total Number of Labs: 10) Computer, Phantom, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics (2), Microscopy, Pathology, Physiology, Motional Prosthesis, Fixed Prosthesis Laboratories.
Faculty of Pharmacy (Total Number of Labs: 39)
Student Research Laboratories (8), Research Laboratories (31) (One of them FABAL)
Faculty of Letters (Total Number of Labs: 11)
Faculty of Education (Total Number of Labs: 1)
Computer Laboratory
Faculty of Science (Total Number of Labs: 47 )
Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (Total Number of Labs: 1)
Computer Laboratory.
Faculty of Communication (Total Number of Labs: 4)
Photography, Computer, Video Recording Studio, Dubbing Laboratories.
Faculty of Engineering (Total Number of Labs: 71)
Thermodynamics and Energy, Computer, Technical Drawing, Mechanics, Software, Research, Training, Micro, Electronics, Work Station, Construction Equipments, Ground Mechanics, General and Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Textile Analysis, Physical Textile Analysis, Cotton Yarn, Wool Yarn, Weaving, Knitting, Dying, Printing, Apparel Manufacturing, Electronics, Digital, Microelectronics, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Animal Cell Culture, Physics, Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Cosmetics, Atomic Absorbing, Uv-Ir, Gas Chromatography, Surface (D.Sc.), Avicenna Project, Ec-Inco-Dc Project, Research, Chemical Technology Research, Polymer Research, Test Management, Chemistry, Chemistry Engineering, Computer (2), Research (15) and Practicing Labs (11) for Food Engineering.
Faculty of Fisheries (Total Number of Labs: 10)
Faculty of Medicine (Total Number of Labs: 81)
Faculty of Agriculture (Total Number of Labs: 64)
Institute of Natural Sciences (Total Number of Labs:179)
Institute of Solar Energy (Total Number of Labs: 2)
Spectroscope, Electronics, Nuclear, Chemistry, Radon, Sample Preparation, Ra-Rn, Nuclear Fuel, General Chemistry I and II, Radioactive Substance Storage, Spectrophotometer Ent. Analysis, Counting, Chemical Substance Storage, Electrodeposition, Radiochromatography Laboratories.
Institute of International Computing (Total Number of Labs: 4)
Student, R&D, Multimedia, Training Laboratories.
Atatürk Medical School (Total Number of Labs: 1)
Family Planning and Consultancy Education Laboratory.
School of Physical Education and Sports (Total Number of Labs: 2)
Sport Performance and Computer Laboratories.
School of Nursing (Total Number of Labs: 3)
Computer (2), Student Skill Laboratories.
Atatürk Medical Technology Vocational Training School (Total Number of Labs: 1)
Tooth Prosthesis Laboratory.
Bergama Vocational Training School (Total Number of Labs: 2)
Apparel Manufacturing, Archeology Laboratories.
Çesme Vocational Training School (Total Number of Labs: 1)
Computer Laboratory.
Ege Vocational Training School (Total Number of Labs:45)
386,486, Pentium, General Food, Microbiology, Food Pant Testing, General Chemistry, Refinery and Petro-Chemistry, Ceramics, Agricultural Equipment and Machinery, Test Adjustment, Power Electronics, Basic Electronics, Circuit Analysis, Microprocessors, Digital, Printed Circuit, Electricity Equipments, Basic Electronic and Electric, Automatic Control, Machining, CNC, CAD, Equipment and Quality Control, Biomedical, Engine, Mechatronic, Transmitting Organs, Climatization and Cooling Systems, Installation, Control Systems, PLC, Telecommunication, Computer Hardware, Software. General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Household Utensils, Washers, Coolers, Cooker and Warmer, Paint, Body shop and Rectifying, Machinery Oils, Computer Laboratories.
Ödemis Vocational Training School (Total Number of Labs: 1)
General Laboratory.
Tire Kutsan Vocational Training School (Total Number of Labs:4)
Computer, Chemistry, Microbiology, Fish Breeding Laboratories.
Research Center of Science and Technology (Total Number of Labs: 11)
Analysis and Research Laboratories (11)
Research Center of Genetic Diseases (Total Number of Labs: 3)
Cytogenetic, Molecular Cytogenetic, Molecular Genetics Laboratories.
Research and Application Center of Natural History (Total Number of Labs: 1)
Preparation of Paleontological and Zoological Equipment Laboratory.
Research and Application Center of Textile and Apparel Manufacturing (Total Number of Labs: 3)
Physical and Chemical, Textile Analysis, Printing and Dying Laboratories.
Research and Application Center of Seed Technology (Total Number of Labs: 3)
Seed Pathology, Physical Analysis of Seeds, Seed Quality Analysis Laboratories.